Hi everyone!
This is my first progress report. I’m treating this as Captain’s Log from Star Trek. A way to put everything that’s happened down on paper, to reflect, and inform others about what we are currently doing. This is a nice and transparent way to engage with you guys.
What tasks have been resolved so far?
- core strategy and first steps decided and defined – potential first product defined
- name defined, logo designed
- signed up to GFI community as an entrepreneur
- connected via Linkedin with many CEOs, CSOs, founders, scientists, and engineers in the alternative protein space
- connected to tech/sci consultants + consulting sessions booked
- watched many YouTube videos & listened to some podcasts – Josh Tetrick, GFI summit, Brave New Meat etc.
- went through 20+ companies’ websites and subscribed to their newsletter
- connected via Linkedin with many people from GFI
- collected many business and scientific learning materials including market reports
- core technologies needed for cultured meat production well understood
- core company presentation designed and developed – LINK
- website designed and v.1. active and fully functional
- videos for each important page recorded, edited, uploaded, and embedded on the website
- Linkedin company page finished
- Earmarked my own money for investment
- Contacted 10 friends and fellow entrepreneurs as a heads up for this investment opportunity
Activities & tasks I will focus on?
- Continue to connect with other alt protein startups founders, scientists, biotech engineers, consultants and investors via Linkedin
- Add more content to our website to make it easier to find my cofounder, future employees and investors
- Continue to read and learn about everything related to producing / manufacturing a cultured meat product
- Research companies through alt protein database – send an email and inquiring on price – build my cost estimations to be able to finish my pitch deck
- Prepare questions I need answers to, for booked consulting sessions
- Start advertising campaign for target groups
Let's stay in touch!
Subscribe to news about our progress!
Current goals
- Have a precise cost estimation from zero to a small lab where we can create our prototype
- Find good tech/sci cofounder candidates
- Decide whether to incorporate in Singapore, US or somewhere else
- Pitch pre-seed round to FFF and angels I know and am in contact with about ANJY MEAT
- Launch a lead gen test campaign to target consumers with Facebook ads
- Become very knowledgeable in the tech
- Decrease unknown unknowns
Dear diary…
This week was amazing. I really enjoyed all the work I did. And this is the most fun part of starting a company! Everything is new and fresh, there are so many interesting things to learn, so many new people to meet, and no pressure – just being creative and enjoying myself discovering more about this field.
I am consciously going to enjoy this because once real work starts, it’s game time.
Take care, everybody!